Pistachio bread

Pistachio bread
A few years ago my family and I went to Lost Valley Ranch, an all-inclusive dude ranch in Colorado. One morning for breakfast, they served this pistachio bread (because let’s be honest, if you don’t frost a cake, you can call it bread and serve it for breakfast, am I right?!) My eight year old son went on and on about how good it was so when they sent me the customer satisfaction survey after our trip, I asked them for the recipe. The sweet chef emailed me the recipe! I was expecting something elaborate since it was so tasty, but it’s actually super easy. It would make a great St Patrick’s Day dessert....or breakfast.
Ingredients :

  • 1 box white cake mix
  • 2 small boxes instant pistachio pudding
  • 4 eggs
  • 3/4 cup vegetable/canola oil
  • 1 cup water

  1. Mix all ingredients and pour into a greased Bundt pan. 
  2. Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the middle comes out clean.
by witgen

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